Poppy is putting together a newsletter for her friends and has asked me to write a couple of articles. The first being a summary of the GAPS diet and the other, my feelings about starting the GAPS diet. I’ll share what I wrote for her as it provides an introduction to the GAPS protocol.
GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
I understand this to mean that the way we digest our food affects the way our brain functions.
All the parts of our bodies work together to create growth, health, feelings, strength, thoughts, and comfort. We are designed with each part having a job, and every job having an important role in our bodily systems. When the parts work together we stay healthy, when something gets challenged the teamwork can become unbalanced. Imagine a relay race where there is a team of five going against a team of two. If two people have to carry the load back and forth many times without the help of more teammates they will wear out much faster. Because the team of five is sharing the load they will last longer and remain strong. It’s similar in our bodies, if our lungs aren’t working properly it can mean that the heart has to work harder, and if the heart is working harder, maybe our circulation is slower, and if our circulation is slower, maybe our muscles aren’t getting enough energy, and so on and on and on….One broken part becomes lots of broken parts.
This can happen in any of our body’s systems, but GAPS is focusing specifically on the parts of our digestive system and how changes in the way we digest connect to changes in the way we think. There are many many ways that our digestion can become imbalanced. This shows up in the brain as autism, add, adhd, depression, schizophrenia,and anxiety among others.
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has discovered a method to heal the digestive system that has brought relief to many people suffering from brain and gut disorders.
Her method involves using food as medicine. Eating only foods that help and heal and leaving out those that take energy from us to process(no more bags of chips). The first part of the diet involves drinking a lot of broth made from healthy animal bones and joints. This acts as a glue in our intestines, patching up any holes that have worn through. We also eat a lot of fermented foods like sauerkraut. These add beneficial bacteria that create the juices needed for breaking down foods. By slowly adding more and more foods that offer a variety of nutritional benefits we are creating an opportunity for our body to heal. We eliminate the foods that create stress for our systems and flood our bodies with so many vitamins and minerals that the body eventually begins to heal itself.
Most of the food comes directly from farms. We use meat, bones, and dairy from animals that have grazed on pastures and havent eaten any grains, fish that has grown up in the wild, and vegetables that are grown without pesticides and harvested when they are fully ripe. All the food is made at home from scratch and nothing is from a package. It takes some getting used to but it tastes delicious and fixing ourselves is worth it!