A sliver of light under a door in a dark room
Rolling waves on an open sea
Pink and orange sunsets filtering through heavy rain clouds
Standing on the edge of a cliff with arms outstretched
The grounding and uplifting feeling of old friends
Dreaming vividly while sleeping in front of a glowing fire
The ripple that appears after raindrops hit a still lake
Some things i thought of while revisiting the album Glossy Recall by Hungry Cloud Darkening (now New Issue). I made this set of shirts a few years ago while listening to this album and I’m listening again this morning. Finding context for my fabric choices. With the pictures of shirts in front of me and headphones in my ears I see exactly why I chose the fabrics I did. This album feels full and rich while simultaneously feeling bright and spacious. The highly patterned fabrics mimicking the constant base motion and the swirly bright tones that juxtapose. All three shirts have busy patterns with white in between. Patterns that appear random. The solid colors representing the balance that happens when slow meets bright and everything feels balanced. Grounding, energizing, peaceful, and powerful. Listen!